Reinigungsmittel Oranex -
Reinigungsmittel Oranex -

Cleaning agent Oranex, 100ml


Regular price €14,00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Délai de livraison: environ. 2-3 jours de travail

  • natural cleaning agent
  • removes even stubborn stains
  • fresh orange scent

The Oranex cleaning agent is particularly suitable for thorough cleaning of writable whiteboard surfaces. All pen residues as well as permanent markers can be easily removed with this. Depending on how the board is used and how dirty it is, monthly cleaning with Oranex is sufficient. To ensure that the surfaces can be easily written on, the surface should be washed off with clear water after cleaning.
Filling quantity: 100ml

Shipping instructions
Package delivery
Volume shipping weight: 0.2 kg

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Volumenversandgewicht: 0.2kg

Die Versand­kosten ergeben sich aus dem gesamten Volumen­versand­gewicht der Bestellung.

This product will be shipped individually as a package. If an order contains products that are sent by courier or consists of several parts that make it impossible to ship the package, we will ship by courier.

Details on shipping and the calculation of shipping costs can be found HERE .

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